Add a New Line in Cell Formula – Learn how to add a new line within a cell formula in Excel for improved readability and formatting.
Add Commas – Easily add commas in Excel using formulas like SUBSTITUTE and REPLACE.
Add Leading Zeros – Learn different methods for adding leading zeros to numbers in Excel. Understand how to force Excel to treat values as text, use custom formatting, apply the TEXT function, and utilize the CONCATENATE function.
Add Text to Date Cell – Easily add text to date cells in Excel using a simple formula. Improve your Excel skills with this helpful tip.
Capitalize the First Letter – Capitalize the First Letter Excel Formulas, Examples, VBA, Functions, and Shortcuts. Fix inconsistent data quickly.
Check if a Cell Contains a Substring – Learn how to check if a cell contains a substring in Excel using formulas. Case-insensitive and case-sensitive options available.
Check if a Cell Contains Space – Find out how to check if a cell contains a space in Excel with the help of formulas and functions.
Combine Text with Formula – Combine text with formulas in Excel using the ampersand operator and the CONCAT function to create dynamic strings inside a single cell.
Compare Two Strings – Compare two strings in Excel using the comparison operator and the EXACT function to see the differences in results.
Concatenate Double Quotation Marks – Adding double quotation marks to your text in Excel with these helpful tips. Explore different methods to concatenate and format your data easily.
Concatenate vs & – Learn about the differences between the concatenate function and the ampersand sign in Excel for joining strings. Understand how to use both methods for clearer and more readable formulas.
Convert Text to ASCII – Easily convert text to ASCII in Excel using CHAR and CODE functions. Convert numbers from 32 to 126 into corresponding ASCII codes effortlessly.
Convert Text to Year – Easily convert text to year in Excel using the TEXT function with this helpful guide. Improve your Excel skills today.
Create Insert Statement – Efficiently insert data from Excel into an SQL table with a simple formula. Explore how to automate the process for multiple rows.
Excel Convert Date to Text– Easily convert Excel dates to text with these simple tricks and formulas. No need to download any files, just follow along and enhance your Excel skills.
Excel if Cells Contain Specific Text – Increase your Excel skills by learning how to check if cells contain specific text with these helpful formulas and examples. Master VBA, functions, and shortcuts.
Extract Domain from URL – Learn how to easily extract domain names from URLs in Excel using different methods. Improve your data analysis and reporting by efficiently processing large lists of web addresses.
Adding Hexadecimal Numbers – Learn how to add hexadecimal numbers in Excel with this step-by-step guide. Convert to decimal, perform the addition, and then convert back to hex if needed.
Average Positive or Negative Numbers – Find out how to calculate the average of positive or negative numbers in Excel using 4 different methods in this informative content.
Average Rate of Change – Calculate the average rate of change in Excel with this informative content that includes formulas and examples.
Mathematical Calculations:
Calculate Acceleration – Learn how to calculate acceleration in Excel using simple formulas and datasets in this informative guide.
Calculate Antilog – Easily calculate antilog in Excel using simple formulas and examples. Understand the concept of logs and how to apply it in Excel for accurate results.
Calculate Harmonic Mean – Harmonic Mean Calculation in Excel for Central Tendency of Inversely Proportional Quantities. Formula Explained with Examples.
Calculate Normal Distribution Probability – Easily calculate normal distribution probabilities in Excel using simple formulas and functions. Understand the likelihood of values in a normal distribution with this helpful guide.
Calculate Percentage Increase – Increase your Excel skills with step-by-step instructions on calculating percentage increase and applying conditional formatting.
Calculate Percentile Rank – Learn how to calculate percentile rank in Excel using the PERCENTRANK.EXC formula. Understand how to interpret percentile rank and apply it to data analysis.
Find the Area of a Circle – Calculate the area of a circle easily using Excel formulas and examples provided in this informative post.
Calculate Percentiles from Mean & Standard Deviation – Calculate Percentiles based on Mean and Standard Deviation in Excel with examples and explanations. Improve your data analysis skills in Excel with this informative content.
Calculate the Average Percentage of Marks – Calculate the average percentage of marks in Excel with this step-by-step guide. Perfect for data analysis and financial modeling.
Check if a Value Is Between Two Numbers – Learn how to check if a value falls between two numbers in Excel with these practical examples using IF and AND functions.
Convert Date to Month and Year – Efficiently convert dates to months and years in Excel using simple functions and formulas.
Convert Number of Days to Weeks – Easily convert the number of days to weeks in Excel with the help of formulas and examples provided in this content.
Convert Number to Date – Convert Number to Date in Excel Without Downloading Files – Learn how to convert numbers to dates in Excel using formatting and formulas.
Displaying Date in Uppercase – Display Date in Uppercase Using Formulas in Excel. Combine functions to format dates in uppercase easily.
Add or Remove Months from Date – Easily add or subtract months from a date in Excel with the EDATE function. Find out how to manipulate dates effortlessly.
Calculate the Average Time Between Dates – Learn how to calculate the average time between dates using simple Excel formulas. Understand the basics and apply them to your own data analysis.
Calculate GST – Easily calculate GST in Excel using simple formulas and examples. Learn how to determine the tax amount on goods and services.
Excel Profit Margin Formula – Learn how to calculate profit margin using Excel with examples and formulas. Understand the concept behind profit margin and how to apply it in your business.
Calculate the Original Loan Amount – Learn how to calculate the original loan amount in Excel using the PV function with this helpful guide. Discover the necessary steps to determine the loan amount based on interest rate, payment periods, and payment amount per period.
Calculate VAT – Easily calculate VAT in Excel using different tax rates or a single tax rate with these simple methods. Save time and reduce errors in your calculations.
Number Conversions:
Convert HEX Values – Easily convert hexadecimal values in Excel using built-in functions. Learn how to convert between decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary numbers efficiently.
Convert Numbers to Text With Commas – Easily convert numbers to text with commas in Excel using three different methods explained in this post. Improve readability of your data with these techniques.
Convert Month Number to Month Name – Convert month numbers to month names in Excel using simple formulas. Manipulate data easily and efficiently in Excel.
Cell, Row and Column Operations:
Count Cells Ignoring Zeros or Blank Cells – Learn how to count cells in Excel while ignoring zeros or blank cells. Use the COUNT formula with multiple conditions to achieve accurate results.
Count Cells that are Not Blank – Quickly learn how to count cells that are not blank in Excel using COUNTA, COUNTBLANK, and COUNTIF functions.
Count Duplicate Values – Learn how to count duplicate values in Excel using different methods and formulas. Improve your data analysis skills with these tips.
Check If an Excel Cell Contains a Number – Easily determine if an Excel cell contains a number using a simple formula. Understand the process with step-by-step instructions.
Check If Cells in Excel Contain any Text – Easily check if cells in Excel contain text using a simple formula combining IF and ISTEXT functions. No need to manually scan through each cell.
Combine Columns – Combine two columns in Excel easily using different methods and formulas. Improve your data organization by merging columns with simple steps.
Excel if statement – Master the Excel IF statement for powerful data analysis and conditional formatting. Explore examples and learn how to use logical operators for more advanced functions.
FIND function is Not Working – Fixing common issues with the FIND function in Excel and how to avoid them. Understanding the syntax and parameters of the function.
List Operations:
Excel List of Unique Values – Excel List of Unique Values in Excel – Learn how to remove duplicates and keep only the unique values using various methods.
Find Multiple Values – Discover how to find multiple values in Excel using simple and effective techniques, including the FILTER and INDEX functions.
Lookup and Reference Functions:
Excel SUMIF with INDEX & MATCH – Excel SUMIF with INDEX & MATCH: Combine formulas for powerful data analysis and financial modeling in Excel.
Excel VLOOKUP and MID for Data Analysis – Master Excel data analysis with VLOOKUP and MID functions. Combine formulas to extract valuable information easily.
Finding the Maximum Value With HLOOKUP – Learn how to find the maximum value in an Excel table using the HLOOKUP function in this helpful Excel tutorial.
Get Cell Value From Address – Easily retrieve cell values with Excel’s Address function and examples included.
Get nth Match with INDEX, MATCH, and SMALL – Discover how to find nth matches in Excel using INDEX, MATCH, and SMALL functions. Explore examples and step-by-step instructions for data analysis in Excel.
Get the First x Characters – Learn how to extract the first x characters in Excel with these simple methods. Improve your data analysis and modeling skills with these tips.
Get Cell Value – Learn how to retrieve cell values in Excel using the ADDRESS and INDIRECT functions. Improve your data analysis and financial modeling skills with this simple technique.
Get Value from an Array – Discover how to effectively retrieve values from arrays in Excel without any hassle. Explore various formulas and examples to enhance your data analysis skills.
Lookup the Nth Value – Lookup the Nth Value in Excel using different methods and formulas without the need for additional downloads or tutorials.
Return Cell Reference Instead of Value – Discover how to return the cell reference instead of the value in Excel with this helpful guide. Get the details on using formulas to locate specific data within your spreadsheet.
Return Value If Cell Is Blank – Discover how to return a value in Excel if a cell is blank without downloading any files. Explore different methods using the IF function and ISBLANK function to identify empty cells in your data.
Use Countif with Dates – Learn how to count dates in Excel using the COUNTIF function. Understand how Excel treats dates as numbers and use the ISNUMBER function for accurate results.
Use Index and Match in Table – Master how to utilize Index and Match functions in Excel to enhance your data analysis skills. Discover the power of these functions together in deriving data from a table effortlessly.
INDEX MATCH Column Name – Learn how to use INDEX and MATCH functions in Excel to retrieve column names instead of index numbers. Improve your data analysis and financial modeling skills with these Excel tips.
INDEX-MATCH or VLOOKUP to Return Multiple Values – Learn how to use INDEX-MATCH or VLOOKUP to return multiple values in Excel with this helpful guide. Master Excel formulas and functions easily.
Match Date to a Range of Dates and Times – Easily match dates in Excel with a range of dates and times using VLOOKUP function, even if your data is formatted as text.
Range Based on Cell Value – Calculate Excel ranges based on cell values with this formula tutorial. Easily handle exceptions and errors in your calculations.
Sumproduct – Learn how to use the SUMPRODUCT function in Excel for calculating the sum of products of corresponding ranges.
Target Formula – Elevate your Excel skills by learning how to set and calculate targets using formulas in Excel. Discover how to compare target figures with actual results using existing Excel functions for effective data analysis.
The OR Function in Conditional Formatting – Highlight how to use the OR function in conditional formatting in Excel to highlight specific categories in a spreadsheet.
Timestamp – Improve your Excel skills with timestamp formulas, examples, VBA, functions, and shortcuts.
Transpose VLOOKUP – Learn how to transpose the VLOOKUP function in Excel to return data from horizontal ranges with this helpful guide.
Use If with Values in a List – Learn how to use the IF function with values in a list in Excel for better data analysis and results.
Use Index Match in Multiple Sheets – Master the use of Index Match in Excel across multiple sheets to efficiently retrieve data without the limitations of VLOOKUP.
Use SUMIF with Wildcard Characters – Learn how to utilize COUNTIF with dates in Excel for effective data analysis. Explore examples demonstrating the counting of dates within a specified range using COUNTIF functions.
Use SUMPRODUCT and COUNTIF together – Learn how to efficiently use SUMPRODUCT and COUNTIF functions together in Excel for various calculations. Examples provided for counting duplicate items, cells with specific values, and unique values in a cell range.
Using HLOOKUP to Retrieve Text Values – Learn how to use HLOOKUP in Excel to retrieve text values with the asterisk wildcard character in this informative guide.
Using the LINEST function – Perform linear regression analysis in Excel using the LINEST function to calculate statistics and best-fit trendlines for data points.
VLOOKUP by Column Name – Efficiently use VLOOKUP with Column Names in Excel for accurate data retrieval.
VLOOKUP for Rows – Learn how to utilize VLOOKUP for rows in Excel with this helpful guide. Find out how to search for information in rows using this function.
VLOOKUP from Another Sheet – Enhance your Excel skills by using VLOOKUP between different sheets to efficiently manage and analyze data.
VLOOKUP if Blank Returns Blank – Learn how to handle blank spaces in Excel VLOOKUP function with this useful guide. Master the IF function to return a custom result when VLOOKUP is blank.
Concatenate Date – Merge text from different cells into one cell in Excel using the CONCATENATE function.
Convert Time String to Time – Converting time strings to time and date in Excel explained with examples and formulas.
Extract Date – Extracting dates in Excel explained with formulas and examples, including how to extract year, month, day, and convert extracted text to date.
Ignore #NA Values With Formulas – Learn how to deal with #NA values in Excel formulas and improve your user experience while working with Excel. Discover the best formulas to ignore #NA values and get accurate results.
Keep a Number Constant – Learn how to keep a number constant in Excel by using absolute cell references. No need to worry about values changing when dragging cells.
Multiply Percentages – Improve Excel skills by learning how to multiply percentages efficiently in Excel.
Ignore Text in Formula – Learn how to ignore text in Excel formulas to avoid errors and work only with numeric values using functions and substitutions.
Merge Two Columns – Discover efficient methods to merge two columns in Excel seamlessly. Explore various techniques, including formulas, functions like CONCAT, and utilizing external tools like Notepad for quick merging tasks.
Remove #N/A – Fix your #N/A errors in Excel with this simple solution. Learn how to handle lookup function errors effectively.
Remove Blank Rows – Quickly remove blank rows in Excel using simple steps without the need for manual deletion.
Remove Leading and Trailing Spaces – Clean imported data in Excel by removing leading and trailing spaces with functions like TRIM, CLEAN, SUBSTITUTE, and Find & Replace.
Remove Leading Zeros – Learn how to remove leading zeros in Excel spreadsheets and convert text values into numbers effortlessly with these helpful tips and tricks.
Split Text to Columns With Formulas – Learn how to split text into columns using formulas in Excel. Manipulate strings with functions like SEARCH, MID, and SUBSTITUTE to customize your text splitting needs.
Sum and Ignore Errors – Discover how to sum and ignore errors in Excel using three different techniques. Learn to combine functions, use SUMIF, and utilize the AGGREGATE function to get accurate totals in your spreadsheets.
Trim and Combine Spaces – Easily remove extra spaces in Excel data with these 5 methods without using functions or formulas.
Linear Interpolation – Understand linear interpolation in Excel and learn how to estimate values between two data points using formulas and functions. Master this method for accurate data analysis.
Midpoint Formula – Learn how to calculate the midpoint in Excel using different formulas. Find out how to use the AVERAGE function and a simple formula to get accurate results.
Mood’s Median Test – Easily perform Mood’s Median Test in Excel to compare medians of independent samples. Learn how to calculate medians, deviations, ranks, and interpret the results.
Net Loss Ratio Formula – Calculate the Net Loss Ratio in Excel to evaluate an insurance company’s profitability and financial health. Learn how to use formulas and named ranges for accurate results.
Number Match – Improve number matching in Excel using EXACT and MATCH functions. Learn how to compare numbers accurately with examples and explanations.
Use If Function With Dates – Learn how to use the IF function with dates in Excel to compare and analyze your data effectively. Explore different scenarios to determine loan repayment dates and make informed decisions.
Convert UTC to EST – Easily convert Coordinated Universal Time to Eastern Standard Time in Excel using simple formulas.
Empirical Probability – Learn how to calculate empirical probability in Excel using the PROB function. Understand the probabilities of events and how to use lower and upper limits for accurate results.