Excel VBA does not have a built-in function for adding all the numbers in a range of cells. If we want to add all the numeric values in a range of cells in Excel VBA, we must use the WorksheetFunction property to call the Excel SUM function into a VBA procedure.
The WorksheetFunction is a property of the Application object. The SUM worksheet function is available as a method of the Application object.
This tutorial shows you seven methods for summing a range in Excel VBA.
Method #1: Sum a Particular Cell Range
We can use Excel VBA to sum the numbers in a specific cell range.
Let’s look at the following dataset showing the sales figures of particular desktop brands.
We want to use Excel VBA to add the sales numbers in cell range C2:C6 and display the result in cell C7.
We use the below steps:
- Open the worksheet containing the dataset.
- Click Developer >> Code >> Visual Basic to open the Visual Basic Editor.
Alternatively, you can open the Visual Basic Editor by pressing the shortcut Alt + F11.
- Click Insert >> Module in the Visual Basic Editor to insert a module.
- Type the following sub-procedure in the module.
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Sub sumRange() Range("C7") = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("C2:C6")) End Sub |
- Save the sub-procedure and the workbook as a Macro-Enabled Workbook.
- Place the cursor anywhere in the sub-procedure and press F5 to run the code.
- Click the View Microsoft Excel button on the toolbar to switch to the active worksheet containing the dataset.
You can also move to the active worksheet by pressing the shortcut Alt + F11.
You can see that the range C2:C6 has been summed, and the result is displayed in cell C7.
Method #2: Sum an Entire Column
To sum an entire column, for example, column B, and display the result in cell C1, use the sub-procedure below:
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Sub sumColumnB() Range("C1") = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("B:B")) End Sub |
Method #3: Sum an Entire Row
To sum an entire row, for example, row 2, and display the result in cell B1, use the sub-procedure below:
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Sub sumColumnB() Range("B1") = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("2:2")) End Sub |
Method #4: Sum Range With Criteria
We can sum a range specified by a given condition or criteria in VBA by using the WorksheetFunction property to call the Excel SUMIF function.
The SUMIF function adds the cells specified by a given condition or criteria.
Let’s consider the dataset below that shows the sales numbers of particular desktop brands:
We want to add only the sales numbers that are at least 1, 500 and display the result in cell E3.
We use the below steps:
- Open the worksheet containing the dataset.
- Click Developer >> Code >> Visual Basic to open the Visual Basic Editor.
Alternatively, you can open the Visual Basic Editor by pressing the shortcut Alt + F11.
- Click Insert >> Module in the Visual Basic Editor to insert a module.
- Type the following sub-procedure in the module.
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Sub sumRangeIf() Range("E3") = Application.WorksheetFunction.SumIf(Range("C2:C6"), ">=1500") End Sub |
- Save the sub-procedure and the workbook as a Macro-Enabled Workbook.
- Place the cursor anywhere in the sub-procedure and press F5 to run the code.
- Click the View Microsoft Excel button on the toolbar to switch to the active worksheet containing the dataset.
You can also go to the active worksheet by pressing the shortcut Alt + F11.
You can see that only those sales numbers that are at least $1,500 have been added, and the result is displayed in cell E3.
Method #5: Sum a Selected Range
We can use Excel VBA, to sum up, a selected range.
We use the following dataset to show how Excel VBA can sum a selected range.
We proceed as below:
- Open the worksheet containing the dataset.
- Use the steps shown in Method #4 to open the Visual Basic Editor and create a new module.
- Type the following sub-procedure in the module. The comments describe what the code is doing:
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Sub sumSelectedRange() Dim selectedRange As Range ' Declare object variable Dim rngSum As Long ' Declare variable of Long data type Set selectedRange = Selection 'Assign the selected range to the object variable using the Set keyword rngSum = WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range(selectedRange.Address)) 'Use the selected range in a formula MsgBox rngSum 'Display the sum of the range in a message box End Sub |
- Save the sub-procedure and the workbook as a Macro-Enabled Workbook.
- Click the View Microsoft Excel button on the toolbar to switch to the active worksheet containing the dataset.
You can also switch to the active worksheet by pressing the shortcut Alt + F11.
- In the active worksheet, select range C2:C4.
- Click Developer >> Code >> Visual Basic to switch to the Visual Basic Editor.
Alternatively, press the shortcut Alt + F11.
- Place the cursor anywhere in the procedure and press F5 to run the code.
The sub-procedure opens the active worksheet and displays the sum of the selected range in a message box.
Method #6: Sum a Range Object
We can assign a cell range to the Range object variable and then use the Range object together with WorksheetFunction to calculate the sum of the range.
We use the following dataset to show how this method works.
We use the following steps:
- Open the worksheet containing the dataset.
- Use the steps shown in Method #4 to open the Visual Basic Editor and insert a module.
- Type the following sub-procedure in the module. The comments explain what the code is doing.
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Sub sumRangeObject() Dim rng As Range 'Declare the object variable Set rng = Range("C2:C6") 'assign the range of cells to the object variable using the Set keyword Range("C7") = WorksheetFunction.Sum(rng) 'assigns the sum of the range to cell C7 Set rng = Nothing 'release the range object End Sub |
- Save the sub-procedure and the workbook as a Macro-Enabled Workbook.
- Place the cursor anywhere in the sub-procedure and press F5 to run the code.
- Click the View Microsoft Excel button on the toolbar to switch to the active worksheet containing the dataset.
You can also switch to the active worksheet by pressing the shortcut Alt + F11.
You can see that the range C2:C6 has been summed, and the result is displayed in cell C7.
Method #7: Sum Multiple Ranges
Sometimes we may need to sum multiple ranges using Excel VBA.
Let’s look at the dataset below showing the sales of desktop computers for 2020 and 2021.
We want to add the sales of 2020 and 2021 and display the result in cell F3.
We use the steps below:
- Open the worksheet containing the dataset.
- Follow the steps shown in Method #4 to open the Visual Basic Editor and insert a module.
- Type the following code in the module. The comments explain what the code is doing:
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Sub sumMultipleRanges() Dim rng1 As Range ' Declare object variable Dim rng2 As Range ' Declare object variable Set rng1 = Range("C2:C6") 'assign the range of cells Set rng2 = Range("D2:D6") 'assign the range of cells Range("F3") = WorksheetFunction.Sum(rng1, rng2) 'use the ranges in the formula Set rng1 = Nothing 'release the range object Set rng2 = Nothing 'release the range object End Sub |
- Save the sub-procedure and the workbook as a Macro-Enabled Workbook.
- Place the cursor anywhere in the sub-procedure and press F5 to run the code.
- Click the View Microsoft Excel button on the toolbar to switch to the active worksheet containing the dataset.
You can also switch to the active worksheet by pressing the shortcut Alt + F11.
You can see that the ranges C2:C6 and D2:D6 have been added, and the result is shown in cell F3.
Excel VBA does not have a built-in function for adding ranges, but we can use the WorksheetFunction property of the Application object to call the Excel SUM function into VBA procedures. This tutorial has shown seven methods of adding a range or ranges in Excel VBA. We hope that you found the tutorial helpful.