In this group there are three buttons: Get Domain, Get SubDomain, and URL Converter.

Get Domain

Select cells with URLs to convert and press the Get Domain button.

Get Subdomain

This button converts a URL to the first-level subdomain. If there is a domain without a subdomain, it leaves it as it is.

URL Converter

This button expands a taskpane that offers more options to convert URL to domain or subdomain.

Get Domain options: – Works the same as the Get Domain button.
[www.] – Returns domain with www if present.

http[s]:// – Works the same ways as the first option, but this time it keeps http or https if present.

http[s]://[www.] – Works the same ways as the second option, but this time it keeps http or https if present.

Get Subdomain options:
sub1 – Get only the subdomain of the first level. If there is no subdomain present, it returns “-“.

sub2.sub1 – Returns all subdomains in URL. If there is no subdomain, it returns “-“. – Returns only the first level subdomain with a domain. If there is no subdomain in the URL, it returns the domain. It works the same way as the subdomain button. – Returns all subdomains with a domain. If there is no subdomain in the URL, it returns the domain.