When you work with monetary values, there are two different formats you can use: Currency and Accounting. You can find them in HOME >> Number >> Number Format.
You can also find the accounting format under the Accounting Number Format.
When you expand this button, you will see a list of the most popular currencies.
If you need more control over the formatting. For example, if you want to set the number of decimal places, you can right-click the cell that contains the value, then select Format Cells….
On the left side, in the category box, you will find two items: Currency and Accounting.
Which type of formatting to choose
The accounting format is based on the currency format. Both allow you to select a currency and set the number of decimal points.
Besides these similarities, there are also a few differences:
- In the accounting format, the currency sign is located just off the left edge of the cell, and in the currency format at the beginning of the value.
- In the accounting format, there is an extra space between the value and the right edge of the cell.
- The accounting format displays “-“ when the value is 0.