How to Use the Square Root in Excel VBA

In Excel, various mathematical functions, such as the square root function, are commonly used to perform calculations with ease. However, with Excel VBA or Visual Basic for Applications, you can automate these tasks and increase your productivity. This tutorial will guide you on how to use the square root function in the Excel VBA environment.

Understanding the Excel VBA Square Root Function – Sqr()

In Excel VBA, the Sqr() function is used to determine the square root of a number. The syntax for the Sqr() function in VBA is:

Here, number is the numeric value you wish to find the square root of. Remember that the function will return an error if you put a negative number.

How to Use the Sqr() Function in Excel VBA – Step-by-Step

You can use the Sqr() function in different ways in Excel VBA. Here is a simple step-by-step guide on how you can utilize the function with a simple example.

Step 1: Sub Procedure

Begin by creating a sub-procedure. A sub-procedure in VBA is a piece of code that performs a specific task. It’s created using the Sub keyword, and the code goes inside.

Step 2: Declare Variables

Next, declare your variables using the Dim keyword. In this case, we will use num and sqrRoot. Num will hold the number we want the square root of, and sqrRoot will hold the result.

Step 3: Define the Number and Square Root Calculation

Here, we define num and perform the square root calculation using the Sqr() function. We then assign the result to sqrRoot.

Step 4: Display Result

Finally, we display the result using the MsgBox function.


Being able to use the square root function in Excel VBA allows us to simplify the automation of complex mathematical calculations in our spreadsheets. By following these simple steps, you can utilize the flexibility and power of VBA to increase your productivity.

Tomasz Decker is an Excel specialist, skilled in data analysis and financial modeling.

Posted in vba